The solid core is chemically inert. The cores FGR48 are made by 100% of molecular sieve (type 3A) in a solid form obtained by pressing the granules with a special glue and by baking at 180°C, thus eliminating humidity. The entire line has been designed for use with almost all of the refrigerants present on the market, i.e. fluids classified in Arti cle 13, paragraph 1, letter (b), of Directive PED 2014/68/ EU as part of Group 1 and Group 2; most of these fluids are indicated in Annex E of standard EN 378-1 as Class A1, A2L and A3.
Operating conditions
Refrigerant fluids HFC, HFO, HC, blends
For use with fluids other than those explicitly indicated, please contact GAR srl