Filter driers antiacid solid core O-ring

FG O-RING range filters are characterized from the male frontal connection with the o-ring gasket The use of GAR FG O-RING filters in refrigeration and condition ing system ensures the elimination of contaminating agents such as dust, rt and damp and eliminates the formation of acides in the circulation of the refrigeration fluids before they cause serious damage to the system. The use of 100% molecular mesh makes the filters compatible with most of refrigerant fluids and allows maximum absorp tion of humidity even at high temperatures which would not be possible with the addition of silica gel and active alumina. The entire line has been designed for use with almost all of the refrigerants present on the market, i.e. fluids classified in Arti cle 13, paragraph 1, letter (b), of Directive PED 2014/68/ EU as part of Group 1 and Group 2; most of these fluids are indicated in Annex E of standard EN 378-1 as Class A1, A2L and A3. All the filters are nitrogen pressure tested to ensure a perfect fit. FG ORS range filters are epoxy-polyester powder-coated to ensure perfect resistance to corrosion in saline chamber for 350 hours. Seals sold separately Materials The filter body is stainless steel. The flare connection unions are in copper steel A net and a filter cloth at the outlet of GAR range FG O-RING fil ters ensure the elimination of 20 micron mechanical particles.

The installation orientation can be both vertical or horizontal, but GAR suggests vertical with flow direction pointing down, to avoid stagnation of fluid. The direction of the flow must be in accordance with the arrow on the label.

Operating conditions
Ts -40°C + 80°c Ps max 45 bar Refrigerant fluids HFC, HFO, HC, blends

For use with fluids other than those explicitly indicated, please contact GAR srl

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