Oil separators

The coalescent oil separators GAR type SOC set the industry standard for energy-efficient performance. Unlike conventional separators, coalescent oil separators are not dependent on velocity for efficiency, maintaining the same level of effectiveness down to 20% of maximum flow. The entire line has been de signed for use with almost all of the refrig erants present on the market, i.e. fluids clas sified in Article 13, paragraph 1, letter (b), of Directive PED 2014/68/ EU as part of Group 1 and Group 2; most of these fluids are in dicated in Annex E of standard EN 378-1 as Class A1, A2L and A3. All the separators are nitrogen pressure tested to ensure a perfect fit. The separators are epoxy-polyester pow der-coated to ensure perfect resistance to corrosion in saline chamber for 350 hours. Materials The body is 100% stainless steel. The flare connection unions are in copper steel, the soldering connections are in copper steel or copper (5/8, ¾, 7/8 inch). The coalescent filter is in glass borosilicate. Installation The installation orientation can be in vertical and/or horizontal. The direction of the flow is well indicated with an arrow on the label. If the condenser is installed in a higher posi tion compared to the oil separator, then it is advisable to insert a check valve to avoid the coolant returning into the separator. The di ameter of the separator must not be smaller than the diameter of the delivery compressor. In order to avoid excessive disturbance and noise, we advise avoiding excessive speed or the use of gas coolants throught the separa tor, the advised speed is 0,4-0,6 m/s. In order to control the correct working of the separator, we advise to install an indicator type SPL on the return line of the oil to the compressor. Metering the oil return back to the compres sor may be done by a capillary tube, a me tered orifice or a timed solenoid.

Operating conditions
Ts -20°C + 120°c Ps max 45 bar

Refrigerant fluids HFC, HFO, HC, blends For use with fluids other than those explicit ly indicated, please contact GAR srl

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